Posts Tagged ‘posts’


Do Your Readers Lose Interest?

September 17, 2010

Why do people stop reading your blog posts [or articles and
website information]?

There could be a number of reasons why the reader
loses interest. One reason could be that he/she is receiving too much
information on each line of text.

One of the keys to keeping the attention of your audience is making the reader ask “what” at the end of each line.

I’ll give two examples to help illustrate this. The first example is of
what not to do and the second example is of what you
should do.

1. Bob and I will go to the store tomorrow morning.

2. Bob and I will go to the
store tomorrow morning.


Readers lose interest?


The first example tells you
in the first line
that the destination is the store. That answers the question of
where they are going.

The second example leaves you with “going to the…”. This makes the reader ask the question “what”… “What is their destination?”

If each line throughout the copy-writing ends with a word that makes the reader ask “what” then your copy-writing will make the reader want to keep reading your post line after line.

  • Each line leads into the next.
  • Each line leaves the reader asking the questions “what”.
  • Each line encourages the reader to read the next line.
  • The only line to complete a thought is the last line of the paragraph.

I hope this helps and if you have any comments feel free to leave them in the comment box below.

Thanks for reading,

~Joshua Lyons